Well during lunch, I was walking around, which due to the stupid lunch rules I won't even get into, the vice principal told me to go sit down. But due to this new girl coming, and I being so nice to give her my seat I had to find another...
» Mr Barr marked the occasion at the Capital Brewing
cheap canada goose Madhav said that inconsistency in how different agencies report medical data can stymie algorithms. The text scanning programs extract keywords from online text, but may fumble when organizations variously report new virus cases, cumulative virus cases, or new cases in a given time interval. The potential for...
It adds another dimension to the offense
"Any time you got 19 [actually 16] points with the talent we got on defense, we should win every single game. I don't care what it is, man," Swearinger said. "We should be in position to win every single game if we get 19 points. Let's be clear about this...