Even as the newsroom is taking away some opinion content dildos, it is adding it elsewhere, however, most notably via the International Desk. In recent weeks, that desk has posted online op eds from a British Somali freelance journalist who shared his thoughts about how President Trump's reported comments on...
You think it’s about winning, you’ve lost your mind
It's never about winning. You think it's about winning, you've lost your mind. It's about 'where's my money? Where's my money? Where's my money?' And then when things aren't going right in the game, they're throwing garbage cans on the sideline. "Once you're done, you're done," said Antone Davis, a...
She gave me excellent advice on how to manage my
Muchos estadounidenses esperan que sus cnyuges les proporcionen todo el apoyo que necesitan en general y an ms durante el encierro. Pero no es realista creer que una pareja pueda satisfacer todas sus necesidades sociales y emocionales en cualquier momento, segn la terapeuta de parejas Michele Scheinkman y otros expertos....
But I’ll go in a different direction with today’s roundup
It is not meant to and cannot substitute for advice or care provided by an in person medical professional. The information contained herein is not meant to be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease, or for prescribing any medication. You should always consult your own healthcare...
Not all the stories are set in the past
Black holes feature in the story and there are one or two in the screenplay as well. It is never explained just why Dr Franklin Storm (Reg E Cathey from TV House of Cards and The Wire) bikinis, dean of the Baxter Institute, just happens to be pottering around at...
The next step will be to set up a new
DuPont Columbia University Award for CNN.In 2005, Gupta contributed to CNN's Peabody Award winning coverage of Hurricane Katrina, revealing that official reports that Charity Hospital in New Orleans had been evacuated were inaccurate. His "Charity Hospital" coverage for Anderson Cooper 360 resulted in his 2006 News Documentary Emmy for Outstanding...