Mr. Flanagan and his counsel, David Lewis, have strenuously argued that the practice is supported by state law and precedent, noting that it began in March 2015, when Mr. Skelos asked that two vice chairmen receive lulus diverted from their actual committee chairman. At this point, seeds of doubt began...
Pilato knows that from his 17 seasons as coach of the Greece
Kornell doesn't want the city to forgive its $3.1 million loan to developers until he's comfortable the deal is a good one for taxpayers. The St. Petersburg City Housing Committee will discuss a possible audit and other loose ends involving the city oversight of Jordan Park code violations at its...
Some winners were simply foolish
There is a lot changing within the modern cloud and service provider world. Organizations are seeing the direct benefits of moving towards the cloud and are now positioning their spending cycles to create budgets to move their environment into the cloud. Trends around application delivery, data control, resource utilization, and...